FUeLLKLEAN by Clovers
A complete system under Your supervision...

Check and Recheck!
With the innovation of the Bioluminometer, we could give you in few minutes the real status of your fuel contamination. If you don't trust us, you can trust Hygiena.com, global Leaders in Safety Testing....
A Brand without compromises
Worldwide's leader of filtration systems, Fleetguard had provide us the best Industrial appareils for the prefiltration, the coalescing and the purification of the fuel under treatment. Fleetguard: Your guarantee for water free fuels

Philosophy in Technology
Closed Loop isn't an empty word, it's a technology developed to maximize the efficency of the systems. No fuel de-embarked from Board, no fuel out of your direct management, no tricks with the quantities in your tanks. With your fuel, we clean up your fuel and tanks.
Better than others!
Some important informations about Diesel fuel and how FUeLLKLEAN works on Board...